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Remote access to USB dongles of dental CAD software

Olga Weis Olga Weis Jun 27, 2022

In recent years 3D modeling technologies have got a lot of play in a great many fields. Dentistry provides one of the most impressive examples of its successful implementation.

As opposed to the conventional methods of mechanical production, digital technologies that involve the use of high-precision electronic printers, 3D scanners, and dedicated dental software allow taking dental laboratory processes to a whole new level.

The problem of remote access to security dongles of dental software

Modern dental software offers a wealth of features to meet the needs of dental professionals. Most of these software solutions are protected with a dongle, or small hardware security key, that must be used to access the product’s full functionality. The key contains license info, and while it protects the software from misuse, problems can arise when it needs to be shared among a technical team.

Physically connecting and disconnecting the dongle to multiple computers risks damaging or losing the device, rendering the software unusable. Fortunately, there is a software method of virtualizing and accessing USB dongles remotely.

Donglify is a simple yet powerful software tool. It comes to the rescue when you have no possibility to attach your license dongle directly to the machine where the dental software is going to be used and protects the lifespan of the USB dongle.

How to get remote access to a dental CAD software USB dongle

We recommend this video guide that demonstrates remotely connecting to a USB dongle to access dental CAD software.

(Depending on the software you use, it can also be an CAD security key or any other licensed USB dongle)

Share dongles

This is it! Now you can use your dongle remotely like it was plugged directly into your PC.

It’s important: Donglify is compatible with a wide array of USB dongles. However, it’s worth checking whether the security key you would like to share is supported by Donglify before the software purchase. With this aim in view, Donglify offers a free 7-day trial to its new users.

Dental CAD software by CAD. What you need to know.

If you are looking for a software application that will let you save significant time and dramatically improve planning, design, and analysis processes, you may consider the solutions created by CAD.

CAD is widely known as a provider of highly reliable and high-performance dental software running smoothly even if dealing with the most complicated cases. The CAD’s creations can improve your workflow by operating seamlessly and with quick response times. This software is popular among both experienced dental technicians and young professionals.

The standard version of the DentalCAD program by CAD includes fully anatomical crown and bridge pontics, digital processing and transfer of a wax-up, primary telescopes, and many more. In addition, you can choose an optional module working as an extension to the basic version.

The following are the CAD modules you can add:

  • Implant module - for construction of individual abutments and screw-retained bridges.
  • Bar module - for crown, bridge and bar constructions.
  • Virtual Articulator module - for simulating jaw movement and considering dynamic occlusion when designing restorations with occlusion.
  • Bite Splint module - for designing therapeutic night guards.
  • TruSmile module - to visualize dental restorations for the patient.
  • DICOM Viewer module - to visualize voxel data from CT machines when designing dental restorations.

One of the greatest things about the CAD software is its compatibility with a vast variety of third-party dental 3D scanners, mills, printers, and materials.

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