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Connecting to a Donglify account with a token

Olga Weis Olga Weis Mar 5, 2021

A token is a very safe and convenient way to share your Donglify account with other users without revealing your login credentials. So “What is a token?” Technically speaking, it’s a secure digital key one can use to sign in to your Donglify and they won’t need to know your email address or password to do so.

It is worth pointing out that tokens can’t be used to log into online personal accounts. However, they do grant full access to Donglify’s functionality.

The best part of using this feature is that it grants you total control of who’s allowed to log into your Dondlify account. You can create as many tokens as you need and pass those to whoever you deem necessary. Plus, at any point, you can delete a token and the node using it will be automatically logged out of the Donglify account.

Using login token to access a remote dongle

Create login tokens and pass them to other Donglify users instead of having to share your login credentials. This way they'll be able to access the USB security dongles you’ve shared, and your private data will remain private.
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Available on Windows 7/8/10/11, Server 2008 R2/2012/2016/2019/2022, Windows 10/11 on ARM, macOS 10.15+
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All you need to know to make good use of tokens

Here is a really helpful video guide on using a token to log in to the Donglify account
Share dongles

To create a login token, follow these easy steps:

Sign in for a personal account, then run Donglify and use your email and password to log into your account there. On the “Tokens” tab, click the “Create Token” button.
 Tokens tab
Enter the name for the token for easier identification and click the “Create Token” button:
 Create token
You’ll instantly see the new token in the token list.
To pass the token, just copy it to the clipboard and then paste it into a text message and send it to whoever you want.
To delete a token, click the red X button next to its creation date:
 Use digital token
Note: If you delete a token that someone is using at the moment, they'll be immediately logged out.

And here is what you need to do to log into Donglify account using a token:

Download Donglify and install it on your computer.
 Download Donglify
Start the app, then copy the token from a message you’ve received from the account’s owner and paste it into the respective field:
 Enter the token
Click the “Log In” button.
Note: It’s perfectly fine to use one token to simultaneously log into a Donglify account from multiple computers
See, how safe and easy it is to access USB security dongles across all distances thanks to extremely handy Donglify’s tokens!
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