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Steinberg eLicenser dongle remote access

Olga Weis Olga Weis Mar 27, 2023

If you are reading this, there’s a pretty good chance that you are a music professional having an eLicenser USB key that you want to use remotely on several of your computers. Luckily, I can tell you how to achieve this with no extra effort.

The USB-eLicenser (a.k.a.dongle or Steinberg Key) is a device used for copyright protection by a range of Steinberg software solutions. By using a handy software tool called Donglify, you can share virtually any USB protection dongle over the network. Donglify gives you an efficient way to access your USB-eLicenser key remotely and run Cubase, Nuendo, or WaveLab apps on a computer that has no USB-eLicenser physically attached. Read on to learn more.

The problem of remote access to an eLicenser USB dongle

As it often happens with software protection dongles, your eLicenser key may be lost or damaged as a result of being constantly moved between different machines.

To avoid the device’s wear and tear and prevent the loss of your valuable hardware key, you may try to share it with other of your computers over the network. By the aid of a dedicated software app, Donglify, you can use your eLicenser dongle remotely. That’s right, remotely.

How to access a Steinberg USB-eLicenser from a remote computer

This application works across any distance and is a really good find for those who don’t have the possibility to connect their USB key directly to the computer where Cubase or Nuendo software is going to be utilized.

Here’s how to make a Cubase USB eLicenser (or any other USB security dongle) accessible over the network:

First, you register your Donglify account on the software website.

Then, download and install the app on the computer to which the USB eLicenser dongle (that you want to share) is attached physically. Launch the program and sign in to your account in the app.
Click the “+” icon to see the list of all local devices. Select the one you need and hit “Share”.
It’s important: In the device list, there may be the “Multi-connect” icon displayed next to the USB key’s name. That icon means that the selected device can be shared with several remote computers simultaneously. For safety reasons and to prevent your device from being damaged, it’s recommended to disable this option before sharing your USB-eLicenser.
 share USB dongles
Install the app on the computer (client) from which you want to remotely connect to your eLicense dongle. Start Donglify and sign in to your account.
 USB dongles available for sharing
Now, on the client computer, the software interface will show you that the dongle is available for connection. All you need to do is click the “Connect” button under the device’s name.
 devices available for connection
Once done, the device will appear in the Device Manager on the client machine like it was attached to a real USB port of that computer.
 Remote access to a dongle
That’s it! From this moment forward, you can use the dongle to authorize your Cubase (or whatever software you are using) with the help of your remote USB hardware key.

Remote access to a Cubase eLicenser dongle with FlexiHub

Another great solution that serves for remote access to USB devices is FlexiHub by Electronic Team. This tool can also come in handy as a USB-eLicenser emulator. It has lots of significant advantages over other remote access software you can find today.

  • In addition to USB hardware keys, it can work with a wide range of USB devices, including webcams, 3D mice, hard drives, Android devices, iPhones, and many others.
  • It offers the convenient live-chat feature that makes it possible to exchange messages with other software users in real time.
  • It helps you stay connected to your remote USB security key even when your Internet connection is temporarily lost.
  • It is compatible with all major platforms and lets you share a USB eLicenser on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android Raspberry Pi.

FlexiHub, as well as Donglify, protects your network communications. It deploys advanced traffic encryption, so you don’t need to worry about the security of your connections to remote hardware USB keys.

Core benefits of Cubase eLicenser dongle remote access

You can share eLicenser dongles from a safe place, hence they won’t get damaged, lost, or stolen
You won’t have any trouble using eLicenser key in a virtual environment


A Steinberg USB eLicenser key (also referred to as a “Steinberg dongle”) is a compact flash-drive-looking device that is used to hold the licenses of Steinberg’s software products. The device may either come as a part of a product package (e.g. Cubase, Nuendo, WaveLab) or you can purchase it separately in a local music store.

The nice thing about the Steinberg key is that you can use it to store several software licenses at the same time.
Unlike the Soft-eLicenser, the hardware USB-eLicenser allows you to run your software copy across multiple computers. The eLicenser dongle has to be plugged into a USB port of the computer on which you are going to use your Steinberg software.
First of all, you need to make sure that you have the latest version of eLicenser Control Center software installed on your computer and that the computer has Internet access.

If yes, connect both USB-eLicenser devices (the one from which the license will be transferred and the one to which you will transfer your license) to your computer. Start the eLicenser Control Center. Find the required license (on the right) and drag it to the target USB-eLicenser (on the left). Once you’ve released the button of your mouse, the license is transferred.
The eLicenser Control Center is a utility that makes it possible to manage the licenses of a wide variety of music software.

By using the eLicenser Control Center, you can do the following:

  • Download software licenses;
  • Transfer a license from the Soft-eLicenser (a virtual license container on your hard drive) to a USB-eLicenser;
  • Transfer a license from one USB-eLicenser to another, etc.
No. Some solutions do not require a hardware USB key and are activated using the Soft- eLicenser that stores your license info directly on your computer’s hard drive.
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