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Choosing the Best Dongle Server Solution

Olga Weis Olga Weis Sep 16, 2024


  1. Top Dongle Server Hardware Solutions
  2. Alternative to Hardware Solutions: Donglify
  3. Usage Scenarios for Dongle Servers

USB dongles are used in a variety of usage scenarios, typically for authentication or to verify software licenses. Remotely accessing these devices can be challenging, and can often be facilitated with the use of a dongle server. A USB dongle server enables dongles to be shared, accessed, and managed over a network. This article will compare dongle servers and discuss:

  • The importance of dongle servers in today’s connected world;
  • The advantages and disadvantages of the top dongle server hardware solutions;
  • How to choose the right dongle server solution for your unique objectives and requirements;
  • Usage scenarios for USB dongle servers.

Top Dongle Server Hardware Solutions

Let’s look at the details of several dongle server hardware solutions that provide users with reliability and performance.

USB Dongle Server by SEH

SEH manufactures easy-to-use plug-and-play dongle servers. Simply attach the device to your network and connect dongles to the server’s USB ports. After installing the hardware, virtual USB connections are created between the dongle and its client. You establish the virtual connection with SEH’s UTN Manager USB dongle server software which provides the necessary USB to Network (UTN) functionality.

Once the connection is established, you can remotely access devices over the network. The network dongle servers give you the same functionality as a physical connection between your computer and the remote dongle.

Two dongle server solutions are available from SEH. The Dongleserver Pro and Dongleserver ProMAX are designed for different usage scenarios.

SEH Dongleserver Pro

SEH Dongleserver Pro

SEH Dongleserver Pro offers users reliable network access to USB dongles. It’s an appropriate solution in situations where centralized and remote dongle management is necessary.


  • Capacity - Up to 8 USB ports are available in a configuration with 4 USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Ports and 4 USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Ports for simultaneously managing many USB dongles.
  • Simple setup - Plug-and-play functionality enables a simple setup and reduces deployment time.
  • Strong security - SSL/TLS encryption is employed to safeguard against unauthorized access and protect data transmission.
  • Remote management - The Dongleserver Pro supports accessing USB dongles remotely over a LAN or WAN for centralized management without physically visiting the devices.
  • Cross-platform support - The dongle servers are compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.
  • Device support - The server is compatible with many USB dongles used for applications such as security and software licensing.
  • Virtualization support - Dongleserver Pro integrates with many virtual environments such as Citrix, Hyper-V, and VMware.


  • USB over IP technology - Users can share USB dongles over a network with full control for remote access and management.
  • SSL/TLS encryption - Strong encryption protects sensitive data transferred between remote users and USB dongles.
  • Virtual hub technology - The device serves as a virtual USB hub for centralized management of multiple USB dongles.
  • Driver and firmware updates - Regular updates maintain performance and security by making sure the dongle server is compatible with the latest developments in USB dongles and operating systems.
  • Network interface - The Dongleserver Pro easily integrates with an existing network and is equipped with gigabit Ethernet ports.

SEH Dongleserver ProMAX

SEH Dongleserver ProMAX

The SEH Dongleserver ProMAX is an advanced version of the Dongleserver Pro. It is designed for more exacting environments such as server rooms that require its extra capacity and advanced features. The ProMAX delivers enhanced reliability in comparison with the Dongleserver Pro. Redundancy is provided with two internal power supplies and dual network connections. Passwords, settings, and certificates are backed up to an integrated SD card. A multi-segment status and fault display enables users to view operational information.

  • Increased capacity - The Dongleserver ProMAX provides up to 20 USB ports with 5 USB 3.0 SuperSpeed ports and 15 USB 2.0 Hi-Speed ports. It supports faster data transfer and improved device management efficiency.
  • Enhanced security - SSL/TLS encryption and additional layers of data protection are used to provide enhanced security to connected dongles.
  • Uninterrupted operation - Redundant power supplies provide uninterrupted power to ensure availability and support critical and high-demand applications.
  • Improved performance - The ProMAX is designed to handle intensive applications and larger volumes of data than the Dongleserver Pro.
  • Virtualization and operating system support - The ProMax supports multiple operating systems and virtual environments.
  • User-friendly interface - A web-based management interface facilitates management and configuration for all connected dongles.


  • USB 3.0 over IP technology - The ProMAX supports remote access and management of high-speed USB 3.0 dongles.
  • Enhanced SSL/TLS encryption - The server provides robust security to protect data transmission at all times.
  • Advanced virtual hub - The server emulates a high-speed virtual USB hub for remotely managing multiple USB dongles simultaneously.
  • Load balancing and failover - Advanced load balancing and failover capabilities offer the reliable operation required in high-demand environments.
  • Gigabit Ethernet ports - The ProMAX integrates well with high-speed networks via its high-speed gigabit Ethernet ports.
  • Driver and firmware updates - Frequent updates keep the ProMAX compatible with new USB technologies and addresses security vulnerabilities.

Digi AnywhereUSB

Digi AnywhereUSB is a reliable and flexible USB over IP solution providing network access to USB devices such as dongles. It offers valuable functionality in situations with limited physical access to USB dongles. The device supports accessing USB devices from virtual desktops, remote offices and centralized IT management teams. Digi AnywhereUSB provides multiple features that support remote USB device access.


  • Multiple USB ports - AnywhereUSB is available in models equipped with anywhere from two to 24 ports, enabling the simultaneous management of multiple USB devices.
  • Plug and play - AnywhereUSB offers plug-and-play functionality for a simple and streamlined setup.
  • Strong security - The dongle server encrypts communication to secure data transmission and keep sensitive information away from unauthorized users.
  • Remote device management - USB devices can be remotely accessed and managed over a LAN or WAN for centralized device management.
  • Virtualization support - AnywhereUSB is compatible with virtual machines in Citrix, VMware, and Hyper-V virtual environments.
  • Flexible power options - Flexible deployment is supported with standard power supplies and Power over Ethernet (PoE) functionality.
  • Device driver support - This dongle server solution supports USB device drivers and applications, enabling it to interact with all types of USB devices such as dongles, scanners, and removable hard drives.
  • Web-based interface - A web-based user interface makes it easy to remotely configure and manage connected USB devices.


Digi AnywhereUSB dongle server The Digi AnywhereUSB dongle server is available in several configurations to address different usage requirements. They all provide reliable performance for remotely managing USB dongles.
  • AnywhereUSB/2 - This model has two USB ports and is appropriate for small office or personal use.
  • AnywhereUSB/8 - Small to medium-sized environments may find the eight ports available in this model sufficient for their needs.
  • AnywhereUSB/24 - The largest AnywhereUSB model furnishes 24 USB ports and is designed for managing large environments of USB devices.


  • USB over IP technology - These dongle servers rely on USB over IP technology to enable users to remotely access and manage USB devices over a network with the functionality of a local connection.
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption - Encryption protects data transmission between remote users and USB devices to safeguard sensitive or valuable information.
  • Network interface - The device’s Ethernet port enables it to be easily integrated into an existing network infrastructure.
  • Virtual hub technology - AnywhereUSB can serve as a virtual USB hub for the remote management of multiple USB devices.
  • Driver and firmware updates - Regular updates ensure compatibility with new USB devices and address identified security vulnerabilities.

Digi AnywhereUSB and SEH Dongleserver Pro/ProMAX are hardware-based dongle server solutions. They provide remote access and management of network-connected USB devices. The devices are designed to address different usage scenarios with different feature sets.

icon pros Pros:

  • Effectively monitors dongle usage
  • Supports local network usage with no Internet required
  • Can be physically secured in a locked room

icon cons Cons:

  • May require an additional line for Internet connections
  • Can require extensive setup time
  • Additional ports come at a greater price
  • Usage is limited by the number of ports

A more flexible dongle server solution based on advanced software-based USB port virtualization has advantages over traditional hardware servers.

Alternative to Hardware Solutions: Donglify

Donglify is a cost-efficient and simple software-based dongle server solution. The tool eliminates the cost of obtaining and maintaining physical hardware. The software enables you to share USB dongles over the network.
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Usage Scenarios for Dongle Servers

1. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

Scenario: Companies using VDI solutions like Citrix or Hyper-V run applications that need to remotely access USB dongles.

A) Hardware solution: Implement a Dongleserver Pro/ProMAX into the VDI environment to enable remote access to USB dongles.


  • Fast data transfer with the high-speed USB 3.0 ports available on the ProMAX;
  • Support for virtual environments;
  • Reliable connectivity.

B) Software solution: Install Donglify to provide USB dongle access within the virtual desktop environment without additional hardware.


  • Compatibility with multiple virtual environments like VMware, Hyper-V or VirtualBox;
  • A scalable and easily managed solution.

2. Enterprise Software Licensing and Management

Scenario: A large software developer needs to protect and efficiently manage licenses with enterprise needs to remotely manage licenses protected by USB dongles.

A) Hardware Solution: Deploy Dongleserver Pro/ProMAX in the main IT support department to enable remote access to USB dongles to authenticate software licenses.


  • Software licenses can be centrally managed;
  • Secure, encrypted data transmission;
  • Redundant power supplies for reliability and high availability.

B) Software Solution: Implement Donglify as a software-based solution for remote access to USB dongles.


3. Healthcare Providers and Medical Facilities

Scenario: A healthcare provider requires secure and centralized management of USB dongles used to access medical devices.

A) Hardware solution: Deploy the Digi AnywhereUSB dongle server to provide secure access to USB dongles from a central location.


  • High security for healthcare regulatory compliance;
  • Improved operational efficiency.

B) Software solution: Implement Donglify to manage USB dongles in a healthcare establishment (like dentistry).


  • Simple and economical deployment;
  • Encrypted and secure data transfer.

4. Remote Development and Testing Labs

Scenario: A software development organization needs to securely share dongles with a remote developer workforce.

A) Hardware solution: Use Dongleserver Pro/ProMAX to enable the company to provide the remote access needed by its developers.


  • Can support a large number of dongles for various projects;
  • Offers reliability and secure connectivity;
  • Streamlined administration with a web-based interface.

B) Software solution: Implement Donglify for sharing USB dongles without the expense of additional hardware.


  • Easily scales for fluctuating team sizes;
  • Simple setup for rapid deployment.

5. Manufacturing and Industrial Automation

Scenario: A manufacturing company uses automated machinery that relies on software protected by USB dongles.

A) Hardware solution: Use the Digi AnywhereUSB to remotely access the dongles necessary to control the machinery.


  • Redundant power supplies offer continuous operation and improved resilience;
  • Fast data transfer to support critical applications.

B) Software solution: Donglify offers the company a software solution for managing the machinery’s USB dongles.


  • Fast and economical deployment;
  • Encrypted data for secure access;
  • Productive management of multiple dongles.


Dongle servers have many uses in our connected world. Sharing dongles over a network is an essential capability in various types of businesses. Hardware and software solutions are available that enable remote access and management of USB dongles. Hardware vendors like Digi and SEH offer reliable, but expensive and complex solutions.

Donglify is a scalable and cost-effective software solution that enables organizations to efficiently and securely access and manage USB dongles over a network. Users get the same level of functionality they would achieve with a direct physical connection to the dongle.

Assess your requirements and consider the factors discussed above when choosing a dongle server solution that addresses your objectives.

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