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Digital signature USB dongle - remote access tips

Olga Weis Olga Weis Mar 23, 2023

USB Token for DSC: what’s that and why you may need one

USB Token for Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) or Digital Signature (a.k.a. digital signature USB dongles, e-tokens, USB tokens, etc.) are tiny electronic devices that contain a unique digital signature, plus some in-built data encryption software. Sometimes they are also password-protected for additional safety. In recent years, USB tokens have grown in popularity and now are generally thought of as the most reliable method of user identification.

How to use digital signature without a USB token?

Donglify is an extremely handy software tool you can use to access a remote digital signature dongle via the Internet. Along with that, you’ll be able to share digital certificate tokens between two computers, and, if you’ve got popular dongle brands supported by Donglify’s multi-connect function, they will be available for connection from multiple remote machines at once.
The first step you need to do to share a digital certificate dongle is to sign up for a Donglify account on the official webpage and get the free trial.
 install Donglify
Download the app and install it both on the machine that has your USB token plugged into (server), and on the client PC where you’re going to use that USB token for digital signature.
 sign in to your account
On the server, run Donglify, log into your account. Click ‘+’ to invoke a window with a list of all available USB devices and click ‘Share’ next to your token.
 USB dongles available for sharing
Next, launch Donglify on the client machine, enter your account, click ‘+’, and then click the ‘Connect’ button near the name of the token you’ve just shared.
 Start Donglify on a client computer
Right after that, the token will appear in the client PC’s Device Manager, as if it was plugged into it directly.
Yes, it’s that easy! This way, you can append your digital signature via remote access from any networked machine and won’t have to buy any extra tokens or use some questionable apps in a futile effort to duplicate the one you have.

Donglify is a strong ‘Yes’ answer to your ‘Can I use DC without USB token’ question by allowing everyone in the office access to a token USB for a remote signature via the network whenever required while it stays safely plugged into the same PC. As a result, the risk of losing the token, as well as its wear and tear, will shrink to zero.

Appending the digital signature remotely

Working from home can be very beneficial both for office workers and for companies, provided that it’s properly organized and well-coordinated. However, this working system is not without its flaws. Much as most enterprises are targeted at digitalization the full-on digital, some old-school routines are still widely in use, s.a. document signing.

This is because standard electronic signatures are deemed to have an insufficient security level for critical documents like contracts, tax forms, invoices, etc. So you either adhere to the old way but still reliable ink-on-paper document signing, or use more secure, authenticated digital signatures.

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Available on Windows 7/8/10/11, Server 2008 R2/2012/2016/2019/2022, Windows 10/11 on ARM, macOS 10.15+
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Why using secure digital signatures is such a great idea:

  • Maximum protection: a credible proof of identity, plus an outright ban of retrospective changes to the signed document.
  • Time savings: the validity of ink-signed documents, but without having to waist days and weeks on mailing paper copies back and forth.
  • Health concerns: no need to bring all signers in the same room and, potentially, expose them to the risk of getting the virus.
  • Green focus: reduced paper waste, power consumption, and carbon emissions on documentation delivery.
  • Law compliance: full correspondence of a digital signature to ink signature in terms of the law.
  • New orbit for your remote work-life! But you've probably already figured that out and your only remaining question is, “What do we need for a go?”

Introducing Digital Signatures in Your Business

There are two options you can choose from, in keeping with your company’s size and what time do you have to assemble a team and start signing documents:

A token-based solution

Digital signature tokens have proved beneficial for small companies, for their only downside was some minor inconveniences of having to physically distribute them to employees. But combined with the right token-sharing software tool (e.g. Donglify), this solution can be successfully implemented for large businesses too.

A cloud-based service

The non-hardware digital signing services were originally designed for large corporations with a sizable staff, and still mostly in use by those due to being on the expensive side.

The choice is yours, which of the two will suit your specific needs more. Either way, with Donglify you can make the best use of your digital security certificate USB dongles and greatly expand their working lifespan.

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