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What is a Virtual Dongle and How to Create One?

Olga Weis Olga Weis May 25, 2023

Dongles are hardware USB keys that protect software by blocking its use when a dongle is not plugged into the computer. Those keys are known to be breakable, prone to theft, and costly to replace. From this article, you will learn how to virtualize USB dongle to avoid the clutter of carrying several keys for multiple software programs, prolong the original dongles’ lifespan, and free up your USB ports for other devices.

How to create virtual USB dongle with Donglify

Being a one-stop solution, Donglify allows creating of a virtual USB dongle and forwarding it over the network. This means the dongle functionality can be easily shared with remote users, no matter their location. Plus, you will protect your security key from damage or loss.
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Virtual USB dongles can be accessed on other remote PCs (client computers) as long as they are logged into the same Donglify account as the computer with a physically attached security key (server computer). In addition, you also need to install Donglify on the PC that your USB key is physically connected to and the machine from which you want to access it remotely.

How to make virtual dongle

Virtual USB key
To get started, create the Donglify account. Then download and install the application on the computer with the dongle physically attached to it (so-called server) and on the client machines that require remote access to that shared dongle.
 Install Donglify
Next, launch Donglify on the server computer and log in using your account credentials.
 Sign in to account
In the window that opens, click “+” to display a list of the shareable local USB keys.

Note: You'll see the "Multi-connect" or "Single-connect" text boxes next to the USB dongles. The "Multi-connect" indicates that a shared dongle will be available for use on multiple remote machines simultaneously, while "Single-connect" means you can only have one connection at a time.
 Create a virtual dongle
Check the box next to the required USB key and click "Share".
 Select the USB key
On the client computer, run the program and log in with the same Donglify account.
 Start Donglify on the client computer
Once done, you’ll see the list of available devices.
Locate the dongle you want to access and click “Connect”.
 Connect to the virtual USB dongle
That’s about it! The shared USB dongle will now be recognized by the remote system as if it were physically connected to that computer. Creating virtual security dongles is easier than ever with Donglify.

Watch our video guide to learn how to virtualize a USB dongle key

Share dongles
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